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"It is only by drawing often, drawing everything, drawing incessantly, that one fine day you discover to your surprise that you have rendered something in its true character." 

Camille Pissarro

From the moment that I was able to hold a crayon, I have been doodling, drawing, and creating. It truly has been a passion for as long as I can remember. I began with scribbles on my bedroom wall of the Great Dane we had when I was born. From there, I progressed into Crayola masterpieces of an enormously fat house cat. In high school, I learned how to create detailed graphite drawings of one mammoth black lab and his ridiculously hyper blond counterpart. Art and animals have always been two constants in my life and have always been dear to my heart. It took my sister requesting a painting of a little dog named Jazzy that made me realize I should combine the two and see what happens. 


I create pet portraits with the goal of illustrating a pet's personality and character, not photo-realism. Every cowlick, every spot, and every whisker is what makes an animal unique and that's what I try to capture in my drawings and paintings. I use a variety of mediums including colored pencils, Copic markers, Conte crayons, watercolors, acrylics, and graphite. 


Beyond my pet pieces, I dabble in just about every artistic and creative outlet that I can including graphic design, 3d modeling, cooking and tattoo designs. Please see my works page for examples of my pet portraiture as well as some of my other pieces. 

Myself + my Aussie, Jake
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